Create DynamoDB table

  1. Open template.yaml file in fcj-book-shop folder

  2. Add the following script at the end of the file to create a simple table in DynamoDB:

        Type: AWS:Serverless::SimpleTable
          TableName: SimpleTable
            Name: id
            Type: String
    • The script defines a SimpleTable table in DynamoDB with the Partition key is id CreateDynamoDBTable
  3. Run the following command to deploy SAM

    sam build
    sam deploy
  4. Open DynamoDB console

  5. Select Tables on the left menu. You can see SimpleTable table created CreateDynamoDBTable

  6. But our table needs more config. So delete the above script and replace it with the following:

        Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
          TableName: Books
          BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
            - AttributeName: id
              AttributeType: S
            - AttributeName: rv_id
              AttributeType: N
            - AttributeName: name
              AttributeType: S
            - AttributeName: id
              KeyType: HASH
            - AttributeName: rv_id
              KeyType: RANGE
            - IndexName: name-index
                - AttributeName: id
                  KeyType: HASH
                - AttributeName: name
                  KeyType: RANGE
                ProjectionType: ALL
    • The above script creates the Books table in DynamoDB with the partition key of id, the sort key of rv_id and a Local Scondary Index. CreateDynamoDBTable
  7. Run the following command to deploy SAM

    sam build
    sam deploy


  8. Back to DynamoDB console. The Books table have been created and SimpleTable table deleted CreateDynamoDBTable

  9. Select Books table. Check informations of this table CreateDynamoDBTable

    • Click Indexes tab CreateDynamoDBTable So you have created the Books table with the Local secondary index of name-index
  10. To add data to the table, you can download the below file. Then, open file and replace all AWS-REGION with the region that create S3 bucket - book-image-resize-shop, such as: us-east-1

  11. Run the following command at the directory where you save the dynamoDB.json file

    aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://dynamoDB.json
